Lesson 1: Remotely manage an iPad

In this lesson, you’ll enroll the iPad for remote management. This means you can push configuration profiles out to the device to change settings and restrictions.

You’ll also learn how to:

  • Start up Device Management

  • Enroll an iOS device for remote management

  • Push a configuration change to the device over the network

Step 1. Start the Device Management service

  • Open the Server app to see the list of services available in OS X Server. Select Profile Manager, then turn on Device Management by clicking Configure.

    Arrow indicating Configure button

    Go through the assistant. You’ll start up the Open Directory service, and create a new directory administrator. Add an Apple ID to enable Push Notifications.

    Push notification service sheet

    When the assistant has finished, click Finish.

    Arrow indicating Finish button

Step 2. Enroll a device for remote management

  • Using Safari on the iPad, enter the URL myserver.local/mydevices/.

    After logging in to the server, select Devices, then click Enroll.

    iOS screenshot of My Devices enrollment page

Step 3. Alter the configuration profile on the server

  • Change a single configuration option: turn off the camera, which hides the apps that use the camera.

    After you enroll the device, it appears in Profile Manager. Return to the Profile Manager web app, select Devices, then make sure the new device is selected.

    Profile Manager device profile page

    Click Edit.

    Arrow indicating Edit button for device profile

    Deselect “Allow use of camera.”

    Arrow indicating camera settings

    Click OK. The new setting is added to the profile.

    Click Save to push the configuration to the iPad.

    Save changes confirmation dialog

Step 4. Test your configuration

  • Inspect the change on the iPad. The Camera, Photo Booth, and FaceTime app icons should be gone.


You’ve learned how to create and distribute settings to a device that you manage.

Where to go from here

You can use configuration profiles to manage apps, accounts, and more on devices. For more information, see Profile Manager Help.